General FAQs


Do you have parking?

Yes! Free parking is located in the back, on the left side of the parking lot. The full lot is available weekdays after 5pm and on weekends. Ample parking is available on Jefferson Blvd. or Vineyard Ave.

Our address is:

4725 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016

Can I take a tour of the studio?

Tours can be schedule during your initial consultation. Contact us at

Do you have a rehearsal room?

Yes! Click here for rates.

Does the recording studio specialize in genres?

Yes. We specialize in all forms of rock, singer-songwriter, pop, and alternative. We have experience in all genres such as hip-hop, disco, rap, and Americana.

Why would I use a recording studio when I can just record at home?

Not only does a studio have experienced engineers by your side, but you also have professional equipment, a sound treated space, and producers who can help you make a quality record. When you record here at Pattern Recording, we make sure to create an atmosphere for you to get the best performance possible. So not only will it sound better sonically, your songs will translate better emotionally.